I. finally. got. THE. shot.
Ever since summer began disappearing, I noticed more and more wildlife in my yard. And I noticed that the birdfeeders were draining at an unusual pace.
One night as I was getting ready for bed, I caught a deer, not eight feet from my kitchen window, munching on the seed. I grabbed Liam out of bed to witness it, and I think he barely caught the thing leaping away. Or so he said. He probably wanted to get his tired ass back to sleep.
On another night not long after, we caught another deer feeding on the birdfeeder. But all I got was this amazing shot of screen and glare:
It's been a few months now since I removed the screen and left the window open just enough to fit a fist full of camera through, making my gas company happy as all hell. On a few occasions I've passed by the window and spooked a deer back into the woods and cursed myself for not getting a shot. Other times I've let the dog out and watched as several white tails high-tailed it back up the hill.
So it struck me funny that tonight, while I was clanking around the kitchen loading dishes and running the sink, that I heard a familiar sound. I was eye to eye with the deer, and it let me not only back away while in my well-lit kitchen to get a camera, but it stuck around while I recited my version of Mark Wahlberg's SNL animal scene while I shot pics of it.
"Hey deer, I don't want to eat you, I just want to talk to you."
If I've never seen a deer say "Fuck you" before, I saw it tonight.