Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

Jacob seemed to like his football. I wanted to get him a real one, but I didn't want him to get frustrated. (ERRRR, I MEAN, NICE CHOICE, EASTER BUNNY.) Zoe pretty much whined throughout the day about how everyone else on the planet got more and better stuff from E.B. than she did. Ahh, to be 7 again and have such pain and torture.

We hit up Aunt Roberta's for some free food and candy. Zoe is in disguise with her Christmas dress, totally throwing everyone off.

Then we stopped by Liam's and Mom tried to crash. I really, really tried. Hard.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I was working for the weekend?

In a rare act of volunteerism that led me to remember why I'm not into volunteerism, I took on all four kids for a Saturday. I had not a moment to myself, not even a few minutes to run down and do laundry, which was all I wanted to accomplish. I really wasn't asking a lot. I'm talking LAUNDRY.

But..... sometimes it takes a day like this to make me slow down and realize what I have.

A brood of four self-centered children with appetites of truck drivers.

I sent them to the park every time they asked for a snack:

This was AFTER I gave them a gourmet lunch:

And finally Liam got off work and we took care of the Easter Bunny:

And after grass stains and raviolis, my laundry doubled. It would be nice if the Easter Bunny took care of it.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Free at last!

The quarantine in our house has been lifted!

Ever since I found out the dead raccoon we found in October had rabies, I have had to endure a lot. The Department of Agriculture got involved, and they sent over a field officer who thoroughly GPSed the site of the carcass, gave me three whole printouts on rabies that I had to read, and forced me to tape a piece of paper to my front door that concerned pizza drivers everywhere. It was hell. And it's finally over. Because, GOD, those periodic visits took up five minutes of my month, easy.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The web site 419eater is really jaw-dropping. If you haven't heard of it, give yourself some time to check it out. These are people who turn the tables on the near-illiterate idiots who send out emails asking you to help them get their hands on millions of dollars in exchange for a cut of the profits. The "scambaiters" who post their results to the site get these scumbags to do amazing things with the promise that it will get them rich quick. It's terribly entertaining, and it makes me want to try it!

If you have a little less time, I updated my sites list to the right for some quick hits.