July's trip to Parker Dam
The kids on the spillway.
The salamander that the kids named "Buddy Jr."
Jacob takes a hike with me and Liam.
The fishergirl.
Zoe watches Jacob try to rip a root from the ground while we gather kindling.
The girls went to a nature program and made me walking sticks for my birthday.
Once Jacob decides it's OK to get dirty, he loves tossing rocks into the water.
On the walk back from the beach.
Jacob snacks at Aunt Roberta's cabin.
Cousin Chris and Uncle Jerry.
Liam unhooks a fish for Jacob.
A view of the lake on our walk back to the cabin.
Cousin Matt caught a crayfish.
Jacob on the boardwalk.
The kids on the way to the dam.
Jacob chopping wood.
Looking for elk.