Don't worry, be happy
"The world's a roller coaster,
And I am not strapped in.
Maybe I should hold with care,
But my hands are busy in the air,
I wish you were here."
-- Wish You Were Here, Incubus
A co-worker asked me in passing today if I was getting used to Pittsburgh.
It was the first time I was able to respond with a resounding YES.
It was sunny today, spring is right around the corner, I had a scenic drive in to work, my project went to print today and I have Friday off.
The workload is lightening up, and I am feeling at home. Part of me is fearful that my trip to Florida in April will mess up my efforts at acclimation. Or have me -- GASP -- missing things in Pittsburgh.
But for now I'll stick with feeling that things aren't as complicated as they sometimes seem. Because they're really not. This is Pittsburgh. Nothing complicated about it.
In other matters, I have some sad news. Today, February whatever-it-is, the Chia pet officially died.
As you can see, it died happy.
Tonight I was on the phone with Zoe's dad, wandering around the house, when Zoe accosted me with my digital camera: "Shit, Mom, this won't work."
"It won't work."
"The batteries are dead. WHAT WORD DID YOU JUST USE?"
Well, it was appropriate for the situation for sure: dead batteries when you want to snap a few. I had a stern talk with her then hid around the corner and chuckled with Bob about it. What else can you do? Shiiiiit.
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