Monday, February 05, 2007


It is so cold (how cold is it?) that the cable is going out.

There's no ice storm, no high winds, not even snow. It's just fucking cold!

Last night before I went to bed, Zoe's school web site said there was a two-hour delay. I got to sleep in! Well, if you can call having two kids crawling all over me in bed, instead of one, sleeping in. I drove Zoe to school when the bus didn't come only to find the sign outside said NO SCHOOL.

No school again tomorrow. I remember snow days, but cold days?

It was cold last week... and then on Friday it hit 35. It was balmy! I could actually go outside in my regular clothes, no coat, for a short time and not be chilled. It's funny how I became acclimated to this weather so quickly after being in Florida for so long. But the temps went downhill from there; I think today it hit 8. With wind chill, it was close to -20. Pittsburgh weather is absolutely nuts.

We did get in some sledriding Saturday. I didn't last long outside, but Uncle Rob and Zoe endured about a half hour of up and down the hill.

Jacob is doing better. He's crying a lot less since I relented and started giving him cereal. He's six weeks old now, and normally too young for it, but after several friends and relatives suggested it and claimed to have done it with their own kids, I gave it a shot. And it worked. He gets just a little before bedtime, and it's been sweet dreams for me by 2 a.m. instead of 5 a.m. And minimal crying.

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