Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election night

A conversation over dinner...

Zoe: Why can't I watch cartoooooons??

Me: Because it's an important night and I want to watch TV.

Zoe: What's so important?

Me: Today we pick the next president of the United States. Did you learn about that in school?

Zoe: Yeah, we had an election.

Me: And who did you vote for?

Zoe: Ummmm... what are the guyses names again?

Me: McCain and Obama.

Zoe: Oh yeah. I picked John McCain.

Me: And why did you pick John McCain?

Zoe: Because we had to pick one.

Me: And why did you pick John McCain?

Zoe: Because he's on TV all the time, and he says, "I'm John McCain, and I approved this message."

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