I need to blog more. So much going on. It's funny like that. The more you have to talk about, the less time you have to talk about it!
One of the things that I have the least control over is my dad. He has recently retired, and now he has fallen into depression. Not a good time for me! But I have been calling him daily and inventing ways for him to be useful.
I'm hoping he doesn't *really* want me to go to the RV show. SIGH.
Ahhhh. Retiring from work is always coupled with depression especially if you've been working all your life. Just try to understand your dad. He just miss his busy life, and the realization of not being able to work again is really hitting him hard. Suggest activities for him to enjoy and relax at the same time. Most importantly, try to be there for him most of the times.:-)
I like your blog.
It's like a diary.
Very human thaughts...
Ich muss mehr bloggen. So viel los. Es ist lustig, wie die. Je mehr man sich über, die weniger Zeit haben, darüber zu sprechen haben, zu sprechen!
FIFA Münzen
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