Sunday, March 13, 2011

New adventure

There is something different about my baby.

I've known it since about halfway through her kindergarten year. That teacher was a year shy of retirement. She didn't see any problems. "She's fine." Are you sure? "She's fine."

Her first grade teacher said the same. "She's the youngest in her class. She'll catch up."

Second grade, same thing. "She's so bright and cute! She'll be fine. You don't want to hold her back, she'd be bored doing it again."

On to third grade. "You'd be surprised at this age. By the end of the year, most kids catch right up."

Four teachers passed her right on up to the next grade, and now in fourth grade, she's falling farther behind. And suddenly. She can't focus. She can't remember things. She gets frustrated. She climbs into a shell. She can't do what other kids can do, and she's never even realized it, and never even cared.

At nine-and-a-half years old, she doesn't know what Justin Bieber looks like. She watches Nickelodeon if her brother is home, but she prefers the Food Network. She comes home and tells me she has her homework done, she is sure, then we check, and it's not done. And she hasn't remembered to bring it home. She doesn't remember writing things down in her homework tracker. She doesn't know what her scribble even means.

Every week for the past few months, there have been failed tests to sign.

I spent four-plus years admonishing her, punishing her, yelling at her, screaming at her. I've cried in her face out of frustration. No 9-year-old should know the F-word. Mine has known it for a couple of years now.

She learned to rip notes out of her tracker from her teacher. She signed my name to a test. She's learned to write gibberish in her homework tracker just to get her teacher to sign off that she's "gotten it."

She's done this to keep me from screaming at her. AGAIN, ZOE? AGAIN???

She cries out in her sleep. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

I've told people for five years now that something is wrong with her. I just sensed something is wrong. Her vision is fine, her hearing is fine, yes, I know. I don't think she is being bullied, but I ask anyway. She is the youngest in the class and they say she will catch up, yeah, sure. She is small for her age, maybe it's just a way to make up for it, mmmm hmmmmm.

But nothing is wrong with my baby. She can pick up an instrument and start playing chords in a few minutes. She can make art that an adult would envy. She is inquisitive and can tell you anything about the Statue of Liberty that you dare to ask. She is trusting and loving, and maybe a little naive, but she'd give you her favorite stuffed animal if she thought it would help you sleep. She gets nervous around new friends but thinks up ways to engage them. She is affectionate and creative, she can see things in ways that surprise me and always asks questions that catch me off guard. I don't doubt she is smart. Even brilliant in ways.

Nothing is wrong with my baby. She's just different.

A few weeks ago, I finally got it.

We started the process of testing for learning disabilities. I kinda laugh at that word. Once I realized it… once I got my stupid ass out of denial… I see so much of the good in her. I've stopped yelling. She's stopped crying in her sleep. I don't cringe when I ask about homework, I don't sweat it even. She has become more honest, and can start to identify that she is struggling.

We don't know what it is yet that makes her special, but GODMOTHERFUCKINGDAMMIT, I am not going to stop looking until I know how I can make up for all those years of yelling, teachers who made excuses, and lost time and affection.

There is something different about my baby.

She is awesome.


mp3 for meditation said...

I never stop looking for it.

Martica Designs said...

She is not different, she is who she is and that is special.

Anonymous said...

How many times did military pilot suck that little boy's dick? How many times did that pedophile suck that child's penis?? Confused how prostitution works, he let the boy drive his car if the boy let him copulate him. He left the neighborhood before the boy "came of age" so a homosexual pedophile he remains for life. He turned all his brothers into "givers", and one went on to a period of exhibited homosexuality. This mentally ill career military wants his son to have the car in which he first sucked prepubescent penis.
Is there a connection with the transsexual clue with his "wife"?? Is it connected or is this a separate dysfunction?
Was he ever tested? He had a period of sexual promiscuity after enlistment in an attempt to prove he was a man, desperate to erase his history. Did you ever send an attractive tranny to see if he would take the bait?? He did:::His wife!!!
You can only imagine what the military's scathing evaluation of his dysfunctional personality had to say, not to mention what his fellow pilots thought. He had no business being there.
The greeks don't want no freaks. Should have killed himself like he was invited to in his movie.
The pedophile wants to reach up her dress and fondle her penis.

Lorna said...

Why is she struggling? You must know that something is "off." I am clueless as to what you should do, but my gut is telling me that you are not wanting to see something scary.

Good luck to you and your beautiful child.


CHINI said...


THE SECRET said...

Every baby is special. It's a blessing. We have to be there for them always no matter what happens. They give us indescribable joy.

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Anonymous said...

It sounds like she got moved up too quick to a level a bit beyond her. My son is autistic and has adhd. He is very intelligent but not motivated at all. He went from being in a class where the work level was far below his actual level and when I complained and the next year got him into a class with a level I was more happy with he wasn't used to the work load and how intense working hard all day constantly from one thing to the next is where the previous year it was so easy it was like a holiday picnic where they were hardly doing anything or the things they were doing were so easy it was beyond a joke and more like fun time activity time. He wasn't step by step trained to go from relaxed to hard work, he was just thrown in the deep end and the results were not good. He pretty much decided not to do anything at all. He is capable. Most of his learning was actually being done at home after school and on weekends with me and he loves reading. He can read till the cows come home which they never do because well we don't own any so keep on reading he does. But at school he lacked confidence. He was afraid to get questions wrong so he would not answer at all. He couldn't ever get things right if he never tried in the first place. That in itself was holding him back because he would prove to the teachers what he and I knew that he was ready to move up with things. For one reading assessment the teacher allowed me to sit with him and encourage him to keep on answering the questions before she would sign off on him moving up reader box levels when at home he was already reading novels at a level 5 years above him. All he would mostly ever bring home was spelling which he is very good at and was tested at spelling 4 yrs above his age. The didn't bother to test him at a higher level than that. It would take hours till sometime 8:30 pm or 11 pm before he decided he was motivated enough to get on with his spelling homework. Sometimes I'd just let him get on with it and not worry about bed time or else nothing would ever get done, accomplished or achieved. There were lots of other issues at play but we've been homeschooling a few years now and it is a lot better. Not 100% perfect but a big improvement. I still have to get cross with him in order to get him moving on with something or he just slow pokes or doesn't do anything or mucks about. It can be very frustrating. I talk very honestly with him about how I am feeling or how he is making me feel. It is a challenge for him and I both.
Maybe your daughter was doing well at one point so the teachers approved to go up to the next level but then maybe that was too much for her. She maybe at somewhere more between those two points. Sometimes a change in teachers or class the gap can be actually quite wide, wider than you think. Throwing her in the deep end and expecting her to catch sounds a bit scary to me. It would be better to go at her level and pace, where she is up to and introduce new things slowly, only adding to the basics and adding more complicated or advanced things as she is ready for each step and not move on until she has grasped it, understood and can demonstrate by herself that she knows and is ready to move onto the next step or thing. Sometimes the way things are explained are not broken down into easy to understand step by step explanations or these steps are rushed through too quickly or need examples and practice and a fun way of learning that is enjoyable to help it become more solidified and stay put for longer.