Happy New Year!
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and healthy year.
Jacob was born on Dec. 19. In time for Christmas, and in time for a tax deduction!
Everything about this pregnancy and labor and delivery was so very different from when Zoe was born. (For example, all the screaming and cursing I did this time. Even before labor started!) But as it turns out, Jacob is a great baby, much like Zoe was. He is pleasant and uncomplicated. Which is not to say he is not a ton of work. I forgot exactly how much work a newborn is! If I get my teeth brushed every other day, I feel successful.
While my dental hygiene may be on hiatus, my health has improved vastly. My energy is back! My body is my own again! Well, sort of. This kid loves to eat. But after battling a mountain of breastfeeding problems, we've finally got it down, and it really forces me to take a break and enjoy having a little one in my arms again.
All of this has also made me see how much Zoe has grown... physically and otherwise. What a young lady she has become! She has been very understanding and loving when it comes to her new baby brother, and my family has done a lot to keep her included. She has embraced her big-sister role and wants to help with everything, from unwrapping Jacob's presents to emptying his diaper pail. Little moments I steal with Zoe -- painting our nails or playing a round of dominoes when Jacob sleeps -- make me feel so close to her. Adding another child has added another layer to the relationship I have with Zoe, one that I didn't expect, and one that I cherish very much.
It's been far from easy, but when I look at my babies and think ahead 10-plus years to teenagers, I realize how easy this will seem then!
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