Friday, June 08, 2007

Another reason kids shouldn't eat Red No. 40

Zoe and I ran to Home Depot tonight and made it inside just before it started POURING outside. As opposed to pouring inside. We got some more plants and some other crap I had my eye on: BUG SPRAY.

I am so sick of smooshing spiders and pincher bugs. Hello Ortho.

Zoe had to pee, and while we were waiting for it to stop raining, we found the bathrooms. And then when we were finally leaving, "Mom, I have to poop!"

Oh brother.

We were five minutes from home, so I insisted she make an effort to not unleash in the car. She seemed fine, so we stopped at the bottom of the hill from our house for some takeout BBQ. This was The Best BBQ I have ever tasted, and I'm not even particularly fond of the stuff. Neither is Zoe, she just wanted mac 'n' cheese, but she ended up eating her chicken and digging into my pork.

And... then remembered she had to poop. No sooner had she settled in, she started shrieking. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommmmmmmmmmmmmy!"

I thought I knew what was coming: there was a bug in the tub or a spider on the ceiling... but I was really unwilling to part with my pork and deal with bug guts. "What?"

"Come look! My poop is GREEEEEN!"

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