Hibernation: thwarted
"I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower,
Makes you talk a little lower about the things you could not show her.
It's been a long December, and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last."
-- A Long December, Counting Crows
I was sitting at work today, and all of a sudden, I realized I was sweating. I had on only a shirt and a cardigan, but I was... HOT.
OMG, am I having hot flashes? Getting sick?
An hour later, everyone in the office was complaining. Oh thank god.
An hour after that, I was getting in my car for home. The first thing I did was crank the AC. I picked up Zoe and told her all about everyone melting at work, got home, did homework, convinced Zoe that sleep was a necessary evil, then got the garbage together because it's trash night.
I threw on my heavy clothes, went down into the cold garage and bundled all my rotting rubbish. And then, holding my breath, I opened the garage door, bracing for the cold.
But it was not cold. No, it certainly wasn't. It was... BALMY.
I'm sorry... did I not check my calendar? Is it NOT December? In Pittsburgh?
I went upstairs after more sweating, overdressed to take out the trash, and checked my most underused widget: the weather.
Sixty-fucking-four degrees.
For freakin' crying out loud. Do I have to shave my legs and wear shorts?? Because I was just bedding down for a long winter's nap.
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