Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

I have been feeling really down the past few weeks. Maybe it has something to do with getting only five minutes of sunshine a day, or the changing of seasons, or driving home from work in the dark. Or maybe it's residual from burying my grandfather and losing my boyfriend and my dog in the same week.

Whatever it is, I have been avoiding human contact as much as possible. I tolerate my kids well though, and in fact, they are sick of my fawning all over them because that seems to be the only thing that makes me happy these days.

We spent Thanksgiving at home today. It was a last-minute decision and one that I was relatively sure I'd make, but I still wasn't prepared to make a proper Thanksgiving dinner, nor did I have the desire or energy to.

So, we had chicken casserole. At least I can say we ate bird and stuffing.

And I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the requisite canned cranberry jelly crap.

Which, Jacob loved, by the way. He has been eating a lot of people food these days and seems to love it all, even onions and canned cranberry jelly crap. It's fun to watch him try new things, and the boy can eat.

The chicken casserole wasn't bad, and I can tell it wasn't bad because Zoe ate all of it, even while complaining about the broccoli. Over dinner, we talked about what we are thankful for.

I am thankful for my two beautiful children. But why the hell did Mrs. Harris come first on her list??? Geez!

I am also thankful for cheese, Giant Eagle Fuelperks and Magic 8-balls. And my friend David, who has helped me tremendously these past few months with staying in touch with that sane part of me that's in there somewhere, holding down the fort.

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