Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And so it is...

I've been a little busy. Sealing the deck, installing the veggie garden, getting out the patio furniture, etc. I still haven't gotten my computer back up to speed (re: I have no photo editing software!) so I've been a little out of touch with the blog. I have tons of photos to share, so I need to remedy that soon. I'm still in anguish over all I lost when the drive crashed, but I'm slowly coming to terms with it and taking more photos to make up for it! (One should be lucky that I can't post the photo of Zoe puking all over the bathroom!!)

In the meantime, my latest sinus infection is kicking my ass, and the Pens are about the kick the Red Wings' asses. So it all balances out.

Here are a couple of (unedited) pics to tide over my guilt for lack of blogging. We have had a great couple of months, and I'll fill in the blanks soon. Hope those on Facebook will catch up with me there.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

RIP SWeeT, 2006-2009

Shortly after my last post, I was syncing my phone, and my computer just signed off. So long. It's not you, it's me.

I want to blame it on Zoe playing Webkinz, or some electrical problem in my house that MUST be under my (expired) warranty, but really, I'm a freaking dumbass for never backing up my files. All drives will fail, and I am yet another idiot that ignored all the suggestions to back up as I shut down programs, thinking I would get to it tomorrow.

All my photos from the past three years, gone.

Zoe's spring concert. Campfires in the back yard. Jacob's first Easter. Vacations and Christmases and everyday things. Jacob BEING BORN.

All gone.

I'm taking a little solace in the fact that I can possibly recover the pictures... to the tune of roughly $1,000. It is worth it to me, really, the next time I come across that kind of cash. It's not a long shot, it's actually something I WILL do. But for now, my dining room picture frames will remain empty, a project I've been slowly working on, and I'm going to hurry and fill them with shit just so I don't have to look at them every day and think about what an asshole I am for NOT BACKING UP MY SHIT.

This was really devastating to me. I've cried and imbibed quite a bit to survive the loss of three years worth of my kids' childhoods. I've got my computer back, a clean slate, and it's going to take some time to get it back to where I recognize it. Lots of rehab. And if I can never get those pictures back, I'll have some years to think up the perfect excuse when my kids ask about first grade. Or being born.

My old drive was named "SWeet." My new drive is "SWeeT SuCCeSSoR." Never again will I go a week without saving my precious memories.

I suggest you back up your shit, NOW. And if you have a few photos of my kids from the past few years, please send them along. :(