Thursday, January 31, 2008

Winter blahs

I actually watched the evening newscast for the weather tonight. I rarely do this, because I really don't wanna know. It makes for a great morning.

But I had heard something about freezing rain -- more importantly, I had heard something about all the salt trucks ready for freezing rain -- and I had to laugh. Last time I heard about "salt trucks" being "ready," I drove nine miles to work in first gear hoping I didn't slide off a cliff.

I sprinkled my driveway with calcium chloride, wishing that as the raindrops fell upon the substance, they would coil in terror. "Why was I sent to this driveway? Aaaahhhhhh!"

But more likely, they will fall fast and swiftly and wash it all away, taking a hit for those that fall behind them, screaming, "Take that! And enjoy your fender scraping against your retaining wall!!"

Zoe asked me tonight if it would be summertime by Valentine's Day.

Wouldn't that be nice.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Up and running

Jacob started out tentatively...

But a month later, he is no longer crawling and has begun pacing around the house in a very random fashion.

Zoe is delighted with this development, but my guess is it's a matter of time before he learns to turn doorknobs, finds her diary and spills the contents to everyone at school via leaks on his MySpace page.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Apologies to whose seat I soiled

Last night I had the most phenomenal seats at the Penguins game.

We could see the players coming on and off the ice... we were RIGHT THERE next to where they make their way to and from the the locker room. Unfortunately, I also had to watch Sidney Crosby come off the ice in incredible pain, suffering a high ankle sprain, we later learned.

I've been to a handful of hockey games since I've been back in Pittsburgh. My boss has season tickets and offers them to one of us once in a while. From where I was sitting last night, I determined that those seats are here:

In the interest of full disclosure.... I have been seeing a childhood friend for a couple of months, I guess, and he managed to wrangle someone's season tickets from their cold hands and get us there.

I've been in boxes and right on the glass when the Pens came to Florida, but nothing compared to this. It was really remarkable. And I'm sure it had a little something to do with the company! Liam disappeared in the third period and returned with an official Pens jersey for me, so I can stop wearing my Steelers gear to hockey games.

The Pens didn't win. But it really didn't matter. I had a blast.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My ice scraper

OK, I've been in Pittsburgh for two full years. I'm still a rookie.

It's actually a LAW to have all the snow scraped off your car, completely. And you'd think after two years I would have the means to follow the law.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Now we're cookin'

I don't bake. But when I was a kid, I could roll out a pie crust better than anyone in my immediate family. These days... my oven repels anything with sugar.

Zoe, Jacob and I cooked up some of the best cookies though... a family favorite.

A few hours after we made the cookies, Zoe asked when it was time to put them in the oven. Ummm.... not that kind of cookies baby girl!

Jacob helps lick the bowl. He really didn't stand a chance against me and Zoe, poor kid.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Oh, bloody hell

Zoe settled down onto the toilet the other day, and knowing where she was heading, I knew it could be an hour-long affair of expelling and singing. So, I settled on the floor in the dining room nearby, playing trains with Jacob and heaping on him massive amounts of affection while she wasn't looking.

But shortly after she planted herself, I heard her exclaim, excitedly, "What is THIS???"

My first thought was about the green poop she had delighted in some time ago, and maybe she was enjoying a similar experience??

"Mommy, what is this thing, it has white and red?"

I recently finished decorating the bathroom... there's a framed watercolor in there now, a shadowbox of my aunt's old brooches, and a beaded candle holder. None of them, however, was white. Or red.

"And it has a STRING!!!"

Oh my &%$#¢£@ ^¢!@#(&.

My tampon didn't flush.


"Honey, I'll explain that to you when Jacob isn't around to hear."

That bought me time, and later after I put Jacob to bed, she didn't bring it up. I was sure she had forgotten.

The next day, I realized that was wishful thinking, when I picked her up after work.

"So, what were you going to tell me about the toilet thing? Jacob's not here."


And I explained that when she got a little older, things would happen to her like happens to all girls, and that I'd explain it when we got a little closer to that point.

"Mom. Please. Tell me what it was. Please??"

Big sigh. "It's called a tampon. Us girls use it because our pee-pees bleed for a few days every month, and it keeps our underwear clean."

We were pulling into the garage at the point, and all I could think was, please don't let her ask why we bleed. I need to buy a book or get on the internet or SOMETHING first. We raced upstairs, let the dog out, hung up coats, settled in. Then:

"So what, then you poop it out?"

"No, you pull it out when you're done with it. That's what the string is for."


I held my breath.



"What's for dinner?"

Overheard, and they weren't even blonde

Woman one: "Heh, heh, I just heard them say 'caucus' again."

Woman two: "Heh, heh. Hey, what exactly is a caucus, and why do only two states have them?"

(Long pause.)

Woman one: "I don't know."

Woman two: "No, seriously."

Woman one: "I really don't know. It's when they vote on something."

Monday, January 07, 2008

Goodbye 2007

My favorite from the year-end roundups I've relentlessly explored:


Right? Or did I get sucked into some kind of writers-strike-induced vortex?

A few days ago, I was tossing salt on my driveway and shoveling the steps.

Today? 60 degrees.

There are mosquitoes trying to get in my back door.

This ain't right.

No fucking wonder Pittsburgh is always under construction.

This is not the Burgh I remember from my childhood, burrowing tunnels through snow in the front yard and thwarted spring breaks. Snow days. Sled-riding. Furnaces churning. Chestnuts roasting on an open freakin' fire.

There were people today walking around in short sleeves, for crying out loud.

Give me some slush, at least! Some more crusty salt on my tires! Anything that says winter and closely resembles a foot of new-fallen snow that prevents me from going to work!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

How was/were your holiday(s)?

"I've been wrong, I've been down
To the bottom of every bottle
Despite words in my head
Scream 'Are we having fun yet?'"

-- This is How You Remind Me, Nickelback

Which one?!?!?!?

I had five-plus Christmases.

1. Grab bag Christmas with my extended family on Dec. 25.

2. Sort-of Christmas with same family plus some out-of-town stragglers a few days later, disguised as a birthday party. Not to mention the birthday party I had for Jacob a couple weeks before Chirstmas.

3. Real Christmas with my immediate family once my sister and Zoe were back in town.

4. Christmas gift exchange with friends along with dinner.

5. Various holiday functions at work and otherwise, including the boss taking us to lunch and several catered meals in the office.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who had a holiday season that seemed to last F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I'm not even going to go into the New Year's mess we endured.

Tonight when I was tucking in Zoe, she asked about Three Kings Day. She wanted to get up to see if she got any gifts. This is on top of all they taught her at school about Hannukah, and she expected gifts then too. I completely understood she was trying to get a few more "awake" minutes, but I was at a loss to explain to her that we just don't have the money to finance every commercial and semi-commercial and pseudo-commercial holiday that falls within the winter season.

"Zoe, we don't get gifts on Three Kings Day."

"Why not?"

Why not? Why not?

"Because Mommy signed up for Christmas. Because, um..... Santa seemed like the best option to Mommy, and that's the holiday we go with."

"Mrs. Harris gave out erasers for Three Kings Day. I guess she signed up for that one."

Oh dear Lord. Um, I mean, Oh dear Kings. Don't let my kid go to school tomorrow and ask about subscribing to holidays. Thank you.

My favorite gift over the holidays was a handmade necklace from the most awesome daughter I ever had.