Sunday, July 09, 2006

Looking, looking

"I have run,
I have crawled,
I have scaled these city walls
Only to be with you."

-- I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, U2

I went out in search of nail clippers at 10:30 tonight. I went a couple miles in every direction and still came back empty-handed. Everything was closed.

When people ask me if I miss Florida, I don't hesistate: NO. But at certain times, such as when the need arises for nail clippers and I can't find mine, I'd like to be able to go to the store and just get them. In Fort Lauderdale, with a 24-hour Walgreens every block and a half or so, this wouldn't have been a problem.

Sory if my typping is not so goood. My nails aree realy lonng.

Pittsburgh must go to bed shortly after supper. After leaving a movie Saturday night, we found a sub shop right outside the theater was closed. And it was still somewhat light out.

I have been feeling a pain in my side lately and I was skeptical that it was, in fact, the baby. I went online to find one of those fetal development charts that walk you through week by week, and I realized I had no idea what week I was in. Fourteen? Fifteen? Then I realized, holy shit, we're well into July...

So, I counted backward from my due date and discovered that I am actually 18 weeks! I'm almost half way there!

Joe and I have been wavering about what to do with ourselves, and even (briefly, very briefly) considered me moving back in with him. But I think the plan we will stick to is me renting a place until we are sure we won't kill each other under the same roof.

We've looked at a few places, and the one I really like -- a three-bedroom, single-family home with a huge yard -- wouldn't allow pets. But the landlord was really nice and we spent way more time talking to him than we needed to after I found out he wouldn't allow my dogs.

But he called me Friday anyway. I told him again that I wanted a place that would allow my dogs, and he asked a lot of questions about them and said he'd get back to me when he ran my credit. He didn't come right out and say he'd rent to me with the dogs, but I was pretty clear that I wouldn't take the place otherwise.

And it's so cheap. I'd pay twice the rent for the same house in Lauderdale.

I feel like a loser renting, I don't know why. Maybe because I feel like I'm compromising too much for my relationship with Joe. But the fact of the matter is, if I found a house tomorrow, by the time I closed on it I would be too fat and tired to want to move boxes, let alone unpack them. I need to do something now.

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