Sunday, May 20, 2007

A conversation with a 5-year-old

"I'm a very hungry caterpillar crawling around,
Eating everything in sight that can be found.
I'm weaving a cocoon on a good-size twig,
And I'm starting to get real big."

-- The Hungry Caterpillar, The Learning Station

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

"I was thinking about tacos. I wonder if there's a Taco Bell around here."

"I think there's one in Pittsburgh."

"Oh yeah? Only one?"

"Yeah." A pause. "How about we build one in the back yard?"

"Hmm. I think that would take a while. But we certainly have the room."

"What do you think people would say if we had a Taco Bell in our back yard?"

"I think they'd ask -- politely -- if we were putting on weight."

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